Δευτέρα 9 Μαΐου 2016

#401. Sometimes It's the Princess Who Kills the Dragon And Saves the Prince...

HAIR: NEW!! Doe: Hayley - Essentials @FantasyGacha Carnival
DRESS: NEW!! :Moon Amore: Lucrezia Royal Dress  RARE @FantasyGacha Carnival
CROWN: NEW!! :Moon Amore: Lucrezia Crown (Gold)  @FantasyGacha Carnival
SWORD: NEW!! .random.Matter. - Hands of Fate - Sword [Copper] @FantasyGacha Carnival
WINGS: NEW!! .:Pulse:. Valkyrie Wings @FantasyGacha Carnival

POSE: NEW!! ::Poseidon:: Ice 5 @FantasyGacha Carnival

DRAGON: NEW!! CURELESS [+] Dragon Halfbreeds / Dragon Familiar / ULTRARARE @FantasyGacha Carnival

GARDEN: NEW!! Rivendale ~ Labyrinth  @FantasyGacha Carnival

Scarlet Creative  Huntsman Manor 

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